Striving for Quality Education

Ivanplats takes pride in its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, with a particular emphasis on Goal 4, which focuses on providing quality education. Prioritizing education, Ivanplats aims to act as a catalyst for increased access to educational opportunities for people of all ages. The company collaborates with partners to address contributing factors and ensure access to high-quality education.

This commitment prompted Ivanplats to support the Department of Basic Education. In a noteworthy event hosted by the Mokopane Circuit of the Department of Basic Education, the achievements of learners and teachers during the 2023 Academic Year were celebrated. The event took place at the Mahwelereng Multi-Purpose Centre on January 29, 2024.

To ensure the success of the event, the Department of Education actively sought sponsorships, and recognizing the significance of the initiative, Ivanplats, given its host communities in the circuit, deemed it fitting to provide support.

Ivanplats contributed to this initiative by providing support in the form of donations. Performing learners received school bags, while trophies were awarded to both the high-achieving students and the schools that demonstrated outstanding performance. Additionally, the top three learners in the Matriculation exams were honoured with the presentation of laptops as recognition for their exceptional achievements.

The event turned out to be a resounding success, leaving numerous learners overwhelmed with joy and moved to tears of happiness.



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